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June Member Spotlight: Tiffany Schaal


Tell us a little about yourself and how you got into CrossFit?

I started CrossFit back in 2010. I was first introduced to CrossFit in Hawaii with my brother. He was opening a CrossFit Gym in Japan and we were checking out gyms while on vacation. Doing CrossFit for the first time before a flight home from Hawaii was a “fun” experience. I was hooked nonetheless and started looking for a gym when I got home. I grew up playing sports until college. I missed doing something competitive and fun. 

What keeps you coming back each day? 

The short term answer is It’s motivating to show up and not have to plan anything. I just get to see my friends, work out, and go home. The real reward is to be able to do almost any excursion I want on vacation and not be limited by my physical abilities.

What is your favorite at-home exercise to do?

Active recovery with long walks with my dogs

If you had to do 100 reps of one movement (not running), what would it be?

Power cleans

What are 1-2 of your goals for 2024? 

Build some muscle

Favorite lift? 


Least favorite Crossfit movement? 

Wall balls


Baltimore, MD

Favorite Charleston Restaurant? 

Tough question, depends on my mood and who’s in town

If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be? 

Take photos of my dogs on adventures and make a living from it

What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13? 

Don’t get that perm!

If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?

J.R. Worsley -  he is the founder of European Five Element Acupuncture 

One thing about me people would be surprised to know?

I never know what to say to these questions. 

If the CFJI coaches came to your house for dinner, what would you prepare? 

Taco bowls with all the fixings

Give us a “Question of the Day” to use in class. 

What’s your favorite dance move?

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