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October Member spotlight: Jenni Everhart


Tell us a little about yourself and what got you on the path to CrossFit…I never worked out. I started doing Zumba and Brian was doing CrossFit. The gym he was working out at, started a class called “sweatshop” which was a cardio and lifting program with kettlebells and dumbbells! I loved it! I then started going to regular CrossFit classes and that was how I got into CrossFit. With my work schedule I was only able to go 1-3 times a week. Since 2021, I have been going to CrossFit 4-5 times a week and now love the barbell and lifting.

What keeps you coming back each day? The amazing coaches and people (and the barbell)

What is your favorite at-home exercise to do? AMRAP 20- 5 burpees, 10 Gound to overhead with something of weight, 15 sit-ups, 20 air squats

If you had to do 100 reps of one movement (not running), what would it be?

Air squats

What are 1-2 of your goals for 2023?

String together TTB and CTB.

Have you accomplished any of these?

Still working on it

Favorite lift?

Heavy Power clean

Least favorite Crossfit movement?

Farmers carry & Rope Climbs


Bloomsburg, PA

Favorite Charleston Restaurant?

Coffee-High Falutin



Dinner-Chubby Fish


If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?

Take care of Pandas

What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?

Never Dim Your Light Just To Make Others Feel Comfortable

If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?

Florence Nightingale

One thing about me people would be surprised to know?

I was a bartender for 9 years before I was a nurse

If the CFJI coaches came to your house for dinner, what would you prepare?

Steak, baked potato/sweet potato, chopped salad, and chocolate for dessert

Give us a “Question of the Day” to use in class.

“Who would you want to narrate your life story?”

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