Tell us a little about yourself and how you got into CrossFit?
I joined CrossFit after Haskins Howerton introduced me to the gym. Growing up with two older brothers, I enjoyed playing many sports from an early age.
What keeps you coming back each day?
The friendships, the competition, and enjoying the sauna after a hard workout
What is your favorite at-home exercise to do?
Walking my dogs Doobie and Boaz in the morning as well as rolling out and stretching
If you had to do 100 reps of one movement (not running), what would it be?
Push ups or sit ups
Pus-pushups or sit ups
What are 1-2 of your goals for 2024?
Get 1 ring muscle up
Favorite lift?
Bench press or power clean
Least favorite Crossfit movement?
Asheville, NC
Favorite Charleston Restaurant?
If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
Work at the aquarium
What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?
Take your time growing up and enjoy living life without a mortgage
If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?
Lebron James
One thing about me people would be surprised to know?
I speak Spanish at work throughout the day
If the CFJI coaches came to your house for dinner, what would you prepare?
My girlfriend would prepare homemade pasta
Give us a “Question of the Day” to use in class.
If you could speak any language what would it be?
If you could be a professional athlete what sport would you choose?