Tell us a little about yourself and how you got into CrossFit?
My wife Cassandra and I moved in December 2019 to the USA. After living almost 4 years in Berlin, Cassandra got homesick and I was ready for a new adventure. Our first plan was to start our new life in Austin,TX but destiny had something different in mind. With arrival we found out that we bought a blind passenger with us and our decision was clear to settle in Charleston with Family close by and the opportunity to have a life at the beach. After a couple of challenging years with being new in this country, the Covid Year 2020 right at the start, having our baby girl Ziggie that same year and trying to get a job and a place to live, I had the strong feeling to get back into some kind of physical activity. I tried Gold Gym but hated it. I knew I needed some kind of guidance. For my birthday in June 2022 my wife bought me a gift card for JICF and that was the start of my CrossFit journey.
What keeps you coming back each day?
I am addicted to the pain and the feeling of relief when the clock stops and I have finished the WOD. It is a great way to connect with your body and helps me to keep in mind that this vessel needs to be maintained. Seeing the progress over time is really rewarding and incentive. Also, the next beach season is right around the corner. ;)

What is your favorite at-home exercise to do?
I am spending most of my free time with my daughter. But if I get 1 hour for me, I usually go to the beach and have a 5k run.
If you had to do 100 reps of one movement (not running), what would it be?
I would go with box jump overs.
What are 1-2 of your goals for 2025?
There are only 2 things I can’t do during WOD‘s and these are BMU‘s and HSW‘s. My goal is to get both accomplished by the end of the year. The good news HSW will be part of the next LifeChallenge and my hope is to check the box on HSW by February…let’s go!
Favorite lift?
Bench press for sure - most shown gym movement in every gangster movie :)
Least favorite Crossfit movement?
Wall balls - I just don’t like the combination of throwing and targeting with a 20lbs object

Eberswalde-Finow located around 35 mile northeast of Berlin - Germany 🇩🇪
It is located in the biosphere reserve called Schorfheide. Give it a try and google it.
Favorite Charleston Restaurant?
Currently Leon’s on King street. Chicken and oysters are my favorite.
If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
I would like to be a DJ one night in one of the most famous Techno clubs like Panorama Bar, Berghain, DC10 or on one of the great Festivals around the world.. I am a huge fan of Electronic Music and being in charge of a crowd of Party people sounds just fun….tam tam tam
What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?
I would say: Dude, you have NO IDEA :) … Don’t worry about anything. Just focus on what you like to do the most. Follow your dreams, Invest every penny in Bitcoin and don’t start smoking.
If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?
For getting enlightenment, I would choose Albert Einstein. For just for fun, I would like to meet Arnold Schwarzenegger in his 20-30 and pump some iron with him…ha
One thing about me people would be surprised to know?
I was a lifeguard in my 20s which was due to my participation in a swim club between the ages of 7-24.
If the Nomad coaches came to your house for dinner, what would you prepare?
Pellkartoffeln mit Kräuterquark serviert mit Leinöl
(Translation: Jacket potatoes with herb curd served with linseed oil) ….it’s simple but so delicious and refreshing in the summer.
Give us a “Question of the Day” to use in class.
I am adding two since the chance of repeat is high after 13 years. (Not sure if that is a thing since the beginning of The Gym)
What celebrity or movie character voice do you like to imitate?
Is a hot dog a sandwich? Why yes, why no?