Tell us a little about yourself and what got you on the path to CrossFit…

About me: I’ve lived in Charleston my whole life. I’ve been blessed to live by the beach so I’m a huge beach fan! I love Surfing, long walks on the beach, and anything with my Family! Along with watching the sunset and riding around in my brother's old trucks, I play a few instruments and I love to sing! I'm a big fan of eating food of any kind but I especially love pasta and Sushi. I also LOVE coffee- I will do anything if there’s coffee involved! I paint some, and I like baking a lot. During the summer I teach kids how to surf but I am currently trying to figure the rest out career wise. My goal is to find a way to sell surfboards and art!
I found CrossFit through my Mom,
I used to hang with my little sister while she worked out and while watching I was always inspired by her. So one day I came to workout with my mom and I’ve been hooked ever since! CrossFit is something I truly enjoy! (Most of the time) ☺️
It's a way to move my body and build strength in a fun way. I love the adrenaline I get in a workout, especially one with High Hang Power Cleans! And of course I love the people at the gym and the way they always encourage me to be the best version of myself I can be!
What keeps you coming back each day?
The gym feels like a place no matter what my mood is or what I’m going through I can let it all out in a workout! I always say I’m going to Work It out “bad Joke”. I love the feeling of energy and accomplishment after a good workout or as my mom calls it a “Grueler”. Oh and obviously friends! It’s super inspiring to workout with friends and have them there to push me beyond what I think I can do!

What is your favorite at-home exercise to do?
Walking the beach and doing plank holds with my brother
If you had to do 100 reps of one movement (not running), what would it be?
High Hang Power Cleans!
What are 1-2 of your goals for 2022? Have you accomplished any of these?
Want to practice having more Gratitude in my life for the things I have now, not just what I want to have. I hope to travel more and spend more time outside by watching the sun rise and set if possible! I also want to hopefully find a job that I enjoy. And maybe sing some not just alone in my room where know one can hear me haha!
CrossFit goal is to get 🦋 pull ups.
Favorite lift?

Torn between Deadlift and Shoulder press
Least favorite Crossfit movement?
Double Unders! But I do hope to be good at them one day
Charleston (James Island)
Favorite Charleston Restaurant?
Basil Thai cuisine
If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
Longboard Professional surfer!
What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?
Don’t be afraid to be who you dream of being
If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?
Bethany Hamilton
One thing about me people would be surprised to know?
Hmm this one’s tough honestly can’t think of much but I’ve never played any sports (besides surfing)
And 2 I’m kinda a sucker for anything: country Cowboys- big trucks- country music and playing in the dirt (Most of the time this is while hanging with my brothers). I also listen to Eminem at lot
If the CFJI coaches came to your house for dinner, what would you prepare?
Mexican rice bowls and of course chocolate espresso cupcakes for dessert!
Give us a “Question of the Day” to use in class.
What is something you like about the person to your left? And if you don’t know them, introduce yourself!