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December Member Spotlight: Taylor Rassmussen

Tell us a little about yourself and how you got into CrossFit?

I moved to Charleston about 13 years ago to go to school at College of Charleston. I have a bachelors degree in marine science and also a bachelors in art history but I use neither in my career.After working in food and bev to get through college I ended up staying and I now bartend at Bohemian Bull. Most of my free time is used hanging out with my doggos and reading. I also clean my house an excessive amount while watching trash television. 

I’ve always been interested in CrossFit but never tried it until this last year when my boss pushed me to try something new. (Thank you Chad Biel!)

What keeps you coming back each day? 

Physical fitness has always been a form of therapy for me. If I’m not staying active, my mental state definitely falters. 

What is your favorite at-home exercise to do?

Probably running to the fridge for an ice cream sandwich.

If you had to do 100 reps of one movement (not running), what would it be?

Turning the page of a really good book. But if we are talking actual exercise I guess I would go with deadlifts?

What are 1-2 of your goals for 2025? 

I would like to travel/take time off work more for myself. 

Favorite lift? 

Overhead Squats

Least favorite Crossfit movement? 

Snatch-I hate it and it hates me 


Travelers Rest, South Carolina 

Favorite Charleston Restaurant? 

Xao Bao Biscuit or Jack of Cups 

If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be? 

If we are thinking dream job, probably an artist or a marine biologist that works with beluga whales or whale sharks. Buuuut job for only one day maybe something crazy like a circus acrobat. 

What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13? 

Invest your money and do more internships in college. 

If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?

Maybe one of my Danish ancestors 

One thing about me people would be surprised to know?

I’m really really good at the arcade basketball games 

If the Nomad coaches came to your house for dinner, what would you prepare? 

Yikes, I’m not a great cook but I can follow a recipe. I make some pretty yummy spinach and feta turkey meatballs. 

Give us a “Question of the Day” to use in class. 

What is your spirit animal?

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